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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Self relating form

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I have a flat application file that is related to itself based on a field (link) whose value is always "1". On the form layout view I have a portal with 20 rows on the left side and the individual record on the right half of the screen. I am trying to scroll through the list in the portal and click on a row and want the record on the right to go to that record. What is happening when I assign the portal field as a button with the goto related record script attached, the record on the right performs correctley but the portal jumps back to the first record and I want it to stay on the "selected/clicked on" record.


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I hate this too, what I did is to save the "current portal row" b4 I change the focus to another portal, and use "goto row" to get to the correct position when I go back to the first protal.

since i'm using the Chinese version of FMP, I wish you understand what I mean smile.gif



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[This message has been edited by jimi (edited March 09, 2001).]

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Thanks for the reply but my app seems to be a bit different than yours. I only have one portal on the layout. I took a form entry view and added a self related portal to that view. It would make sense that the "goto related record" should work but I can't seem to get it to.

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That's standard behaviour with FMP portals. The only thing that you can do (I'm guessing here) is make a script that tracks what row the record is in, goes to the related record, then srolls back down to the original portal row.

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