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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×



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Assuming you mean you have a repeating field and want the total for the first seven repetitions, create a calc field that adds them up -- using the "Get Repetition" function.



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Sorry about the shouting. I could sure use more help. Lets say I have a repeating field named "Number" , That repeats 7 times. How would the calc read for the " "Total number" field. I noticed that the "GetRepetition" option contains (repeating

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Ok Lets act like I'm really stupid! How would this calc look when define the "total" field.

I only have two fields.

" Number" this field has a repatition of 7.

and "Total Number" This will give a total of all the numbers in the 7 number fields.

Please don't get the wrong idea, I'm greatful for your help, but I'm also not advanced user.



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The calculation is just:


When you define the Total Number field, you select the "Calculation" option. Then you into the field options dialog. Enter the above formula as the calculation formula. Select "number" as the calculation result type from the popup menu at the bottom of the dialog box. That's it.

[This message has been edited by BobWeaver (edited March 20, 2001).]

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This topic is 8612 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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