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text fields with paragraph characters as 'values'

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I have a repeated field with text content. Each entry may be multiple lines, having a 'paragraph'or enter/return character in the text string.

I would like to use the repeated fields in a value list, but when I do, the values offered in the drop down list are not the field values, but each of the individual lines from the field values.


Repeated field 1:



Repeated field 2:



if I define a Value List for the repeated field,

it shows 4 choices in the drop down list:





when what I want are 2 values:



Any way to make that happen?


The only way to circumvent genuine recursive structures, I can think of here is this:


...but making such a scheme fit in repeating fields - is certainly and endeavour where it's questionable if you ever will arrive to something usefull. Even as a sort of suduko, would I say it's one hell of a challenge.

You have obviously realised that what you're up against is:


...and are willing to take the plunge into it, an this post/question should merely be a nod from this community to go a head, however am I not particular sure you'll get my!!! But would eagerly await your teaching on the subject ;)



Try defining a calculation field (result is text) =

Substitute ( YourRepeatingField ; ¶ ; "/" )

Let the field have the same number of repetitions as YourRepeatingField, and use it for your value list.


I considered the substitution as well, but the user would not see the formatted message in the drop down list, and I'd have to edit it out upon leaving the screen.

Since there are only a few possible 'messages' to choose from in this application, what I've done is display them on the screen and written a script to substitute the selected one into the form.



Well, you could make the field auto-enter a reverse substitute. But I believe selecting from another device, as you have done, would be eventually simpler.

This topic is 5903 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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