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Tab Selection + Drop Down List

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I am new to scripting. I want to have a tab be selected based on a dropdown box. I can do this with a script and object name, but is there a way to trigger the script based on a calculation?

I am using this for class passes. I have three tabs General Pass, Nurse Pass, Dress Code Pass. The default is General.

For example --

If nurse pass is selected from drop down then the nurse tab is shown.

If Dress code is selected from the pass type then

the dress code tab is shown.


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May I ask why you desire to use a calculation? It sounds like a script passing a parameter (maybe with a script trigger?) to select the appropriate object (tab) would suffice.

Are the "Nurse" and "Dress Code" choices chosen on another layout, so that when you arrive to the layout containing the tabbed object, the appropriate tab is selected?

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That is probably what I need. I just do not know how to do it. I can write the script to get the tab selected. However, I do not know how to get it trigger except by using a button which kind of defeats the purpose. If the user has to click a button, then it would be just as easy to click the tab.

I would like when the user chooses the type from the drop down list, then it will go to that tab. Nurse and Dress Code are used on two other layouts 1. the actual pass layout and 2. on a summary report, but neither of these layouts have tabs. Each is accessed only from a button with an appropriate script.

Does that you give you enough info to help?



May I ask why you desire to use a calculation? It sounds like a script passing a parameter (maybe with a script trigger?) to select the appropriate object (tab) would suffice.

Are the "Nurse" and "Dress Code" choices chosen on another layout, so that when you arrive to the layout containing the tabbed object, the appropriate tab is selected?

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I have drafted and tested the following idea, maybe this will help you on the right track.

1. Name your tab objects in your info window as appropriate: General, Nurse, Dress Code.

2. Create a script called "Tab Nav".

3. Write the script reflecting something like the attached image.

4. Attach the script trigger "OnObjectModify" to the drop down menu (I would maybe use a pop-up instead, though, to prevent someone typing into the field) to trigger the "Tab Nav" script, passing the parameter of the field name to the script.

Now, as you change the drop down, the focus of the tab changes.



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