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Follow up to Post: Locking Records Against Changes(Topic#210439)

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I read the post Locking Records Against Changes (Topic#210439) and I think it's great, thanks for offering that it was exactly what I was looking for. And now... I'd like to ask how to take it just a step further.

I would like to be able to lockout entry through portals on the locked out record.

Here's an example (fictious). I have an event database. Attendees can be added through a portal. At some point in time I will lock the event record preventing further changes. It was also be necessary to prevent further attendees from being added as well. Yet for events not locked, attendees should still be able to be added.

I fiddled with the same lock field as mentioned in the other post Click here for post but can't seem to get the same function to work through the relationship.

Is this possible to have a conditionally locked out relationship and hence portal?


I think that you need two layouts, one for the Locked and one for the Unlocked Event.

On the Locked Event layout, the portal would use a relationship that does NOT have Allow create on in the relationship.


I'd have to have a hidden tab on the same layout I think to do that such that when the record is locked it causes the second tab to be the foremost (with the user never realizing the other tab is behind and can't get to it).

I'm not sure how to make mulitple layouts work when the locked record would appear in both essentially.

In my own real example, I'm talking about 46 layouts and 70 or so relationships...so I'm trying to keep my working model to something I can handle.

Great suggestion but I was hoping for something like a formula that could affect the relationship itself possibly through a global field.


"I'm not sure how to make mulitple layouts work when the locked record would appear in both essentially."

You would write a navigation script that if the record is locked, you Go to Layout (MyLayout_locked) else Go to Layout (MyLayout_unlocked).

You can't script a relationship change.


Thanks for that everyone.

I understand the layout trigger as you described it. Still a lot of work for all the layouts but of course doable.

I'll check out this posted file this morning.

Thanks again for everyone's suggestions, it's bumped me along the road to a solution fairly quickly.


I looked at the LockParent example uploaded. Thanks very much for that. Simple, elegant and functional. I think this may be just how I will accomplish this.

Pushing all my clients to version 10 so I can use the script trigger as well is acceptable to me (on many different levels).

Thanks again, you've all been a big help.

This topic is 5544 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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