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Location of Supercontainer Files

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Sorry I should have provided more information. I'm running FMServer Advanced and the database is shared out from that - I have 60,000 plus and growing images to import to Supercontainer but I want to keep the data in a remote RAID. My testing for importing from a container field works fine but I'd like to see if I can import directly from folders on the RAID but not store them in the default supercontainer location.

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I'm trying to perform the same task, bushidobro. My company already has an established folder settings for storing various files, and we simply want the reference an already existing specific file in the SuperContainer URL. Prefer not to have to use SC's foldering structure or have two copies of the same file on the system.

This SHOULD work, as you would just edit the web.xml file, as explained in the documentation. The problem you may have is user permissions on a networked drive, so this may impede what you want to do.

The folks at 360Works monitor this forum very well, so I'm expecting them to chime in by tomorrow afternoon. They should give better directions than I can.

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I'm trying to perform the same task, bushidobro. My company already has an established folder settings for storing various files, and we simply want the reference an already existing specific file in the SuperContainer URL. Prefer not to have to use SC's foldering structure or have two copies of the same file on the system.

This SHOULD work, as you would just edit the web.xml file, as explained in the documentation. The problem you may have is user permissions on a networked drive, so this may impede what you want to do.

The folks at 360Works monitor this forum very well, so I'm expecting them to chime in by tomorrow afternoon. They should give better directions than I can.

I'm not 100% sure about this but as for my understanding SuperContainer manages its own folder structure and puts codes in there so that when a user goes to that folder it performs the script to let the user do tasks like download or upload files. That is why you never point to the actual file on the server, just the folder. And the "Raw File" is saved in the /SuperContainer/RawData/ instead of the /SuperContainer/Files/.

Regarding the permission, since bushidobro deployed an FMS, the SuperContainer folder on the RAID Volume must have a group:fmsadmin and owner:fmserver with a Read/Write Permission. You don't put a password on the actual drive but on the web.xml file so that SuperContainer would handle the authentication for you through fmsadmin/fmserver.

You know I'm thinking when will the folks at 360Works will answer my post regarding my problem with accessing SuperContainer through https and my concern about those softwares that claim they can download the whole website to your hard drive. But until now I got no answer. If you're right that they monitor this forum very well, maybe then they're just busy.

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Sorry I should have provided more information. I'm running FMServer Advanced and the database is shared out from that - I have 60,000 plus and growing images to import to Supercontainer but I want to keep the data in a remote RAID. My testing for importing from a container field works fine but I'd like to see if I can import directly from folders on the RAID but not store them in the default supercontainer location.

OK, I'm sure there might be many ways of doing this but if it were me I would do it this way.

Use the SuperContainer companion plugin. I don't know if I'm missing something but I didn't read anything on the plugin that would allow you to import directly from a local/remote folder. If I missed it, please let me know because it might save me a line of script. So basically you would...

Set your baseURL

Get the files and their path using SCScanDirectory and save it on a variable.

Do a loop on each line of the variable.

On each line, import the file (using the filepath) into your container field.

Then write the contents of the container field to the SuperContainer using SCSetContainer.

Clear the container field.

Exit after the end of line.

End loop

Sorry for the script syntax but you get the idea.

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but I didn't read anything on the plugin that would allow you to import directly from a local/remote folder.

This is very possible, as I discovered earlier this morning. I'm using this as a kind of 'preview only' type of setting, since all of the files are already somewhere else. I'm using the same SC directory ("1"), so each time this is run the previous file is overwritten (perfectly fine in my case, probably not OK for others). The second parameter for the SCSetContainer call can either be a field reference (container) or a literal file path.

Set Variable [$Set; value: SCSetBaseURL ( "http://yourIPaddress/SuperContainer/Files/" )

Set Variable [$Set; value: SCSetContainer ( "test/1" ; "path to file ex. - E:/Files/clientA/document.pdf" )

Set Web Viewer [ Object Name: "webview"; Action: Reload ]

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Hey that's great - thanks for the help. I'll work with that.

But as a dumb question - I see a couple references in the thread here re editing the web.xml file - I see that it's in the SuperContainer/WEB-INF folder within the download from 360works but is this folder or contents supposed to be placed somewhere on my server (MacOSX)?

Thanks, Mark (aka bushidobro)

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You're correct - the WEB-INF folder is in the original SC installation medium. But the directions are referring to the actual installed directory, which for you would be

Mac FMS deployment

/Library/FileMaker Server/Web Publishing/publishing-engine/cwpe-tomcat/bin/SuperContainer/WEB-INF/web.xml

Mac Tomcat deployment


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  • 2 months later...

I would like to set a custom path for SC to store documents in, have found the web.xml file but it is not obvious how to edit that file. I was expecting to see a path already in the file that I could edit, but either I'm blind or I need to add a new section.

Any examples available of how to add a custom path in the web.xml file?


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Hey Karstyn,

Our product support wiki discuss how to go about configuring where you want your files to be stored in SuperContainer. Depending on your operating system, you will either edit the "macintoshFilesPath' or 'windowsFilesPath' in the web.xml file to point to the directory in which to store the files.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We have been testing doing this following the instructions in the documentation and in this thread. SC finds the remote location fine, but can't write to it because of an unknown error. I'm assuming this is a permissions problem, but our network folks here are unclear as to how these need to be set up. Are the fmserver and fmsadmin groups domain-level groups, or local users? Given that our domain is the entire university here, we can't claim the only fmserver and fmsadmin groups for ourselves. Any help would be appreciated.

Our setup is FMS 11, the latest version of SC, running on Windows Server 2008; the remote share is on a Windows file server in the same domain.


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