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Help!!! I have my small business operating on Filemaker, I have used Filemaker since the beginning almost a 15 years ago. I am going nuts with File Maker 11 and wish to know if anyone is giving up and going back to earlier versions? Please let me know if you are.

Your question about the Admin password is a perferect example, I have just spent about 3 hours trying to find the answer............ There is no pass word for the Admin account at least on my system. I became very frustrated ever time I wanted to open a file, I was asked for a password even though I know I never set one up and never had to enter one in the 15 years I have been using the program. I even reinstalled the program trying to get around the pass word gate. I hate passwords, have nothing to hide and avoid them at all costs.

Finally I found file options under the file menu that allowed me to get into the file without having to go through the pass word window. Then as I went through what seemed like hours of clicking to free my files from the evil password windo I must have clicked a couple of wrong buttons and ended up with a couple of critical files that I could not open even as a guest. So now the problem was worse.

These files identified the account by my name and demanded a password. Desperate to get into my files I tried what seemed like hundreds of different potential pass words . Finally I got the brilliant idea of reviewing my filemaker accounts from previous years. Sure enough for some strange reason those old files didn't use my name, instead the account was called "Admin" and there was no password required to get in. Finally I was able to free all my files.

Now I deal with a business ending much more serious problem. My filemake folder has 10 files all related. In earlier versions if my sales file counldn't find the inventory file it would as me to point it out, I would and that would be the end of it. Now every time I open my sales files filemaker askes me where the invertory file is and then asks where all the other nine files are. Over and over again. If as has happened on several occasions you hit click on the wrong file all of the relationships gets screwed and the when you enter the SKU code you get a message that the date must be in the following format. Honest to God, as an Apple guy Filemaker has become a Microsoft nightmare. Who is behind this Program? Anyone going back to older versions, or able to recomend an Apple friendly data base progra.




I split your topic from the other thread since that was pertaining to 360s Works Mirrorsync.

From what I can gather from your post, it seems as though you are having issues from a recent migration from an fp5 file format. Moving from fp5 --> fp7 was not as simple as just converting the files. There was a huge change with accounts, security, file references, introduction of tables, etc.

My strong suggestion to you would be to read the migration tech briefs taht pertaining to that migration. You should be able to find some on FileMaker's website, past threads on these forums ( you may need to check attic.fmforums.com ) and if not definitely by googling the subject.


Passwords in FMP 6 and earlier are not case sensitive. whereas they are in FMP 7 and later. In converted files, the username is initially the same as the password.

Best bet is to change the passwords in the original fp5 files to something that you're SURE you know, then convert them to fp7 format.

This topic is 4680 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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