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Hi Forum;


Im using filemaker Pro 11 advanced , and I created a boutton with a script in layout A wihch allow user to go to the layout B and display record finding in this layout .


Enter Find Mode[Restore]

GoToLayout [ " Layout B " ( TableB)]

GoToRelated Reord [ "Show onlu related records; Match found set from table: "Table B"; Using layout <current layout> ]


When I want to change the "<Current layout >" by "<Layout A >" ; It's not possible to do that , filemaker don't allow me to select layout A to display found records !!

How I shoud change my script and what function can I use to display record in layout A with records from Table A and Table B ??



Using 'table A and table B' gives us no clue as to the purpose or context of your request. Please describe in regular words what you are trying to do, providing the table occurrence names of the layouts involved and what is the relationship between the tables? :-)

I try to display records from 2 tables "Table_A" and "Table_B".
I explain what I need :
Im in a layout_A from table_A . I want to search for record with specific criteria in this table and in a Table_B which contain other records. All records must be displayed in Layout_A . 
Table A and Table B are related with the Id_Document. 

I asked to know the REAL table names so I could understand what you are doing. You have not answered so let me try another way ...

Two tables are related on Document ID. Which table is the many side? Please tell me real life names and what are you trying to do. Are you trying to display documents for a customer?


Im sorry , 

The real name of tables : "Cars" and "Cars_Archive" ; When I locate a car , I modify the date field in the layout of cars then I archivate it ( save car document in table "Cars_Archve" ) . We can find more than document for just one car in table " Car_archive"; . And when I search for a car or a detail of cars , I want to display found record from 2 tables , "Cars" and "Cars_Archive" in One layout . 


Then if you are on a layout based upon cars and want to also see the Cars_archive records for a car, you need to place a cars_archive portal (Insert > portal) onto your layout to see the 'many' related records for a single car.

I still do not know the purpose of this task. If form layout is not what you need and you need a report or to export then switch to archive table to create the report so each row is an archive record. You can place fields from cars on it, add a leading part (see FMHelp on creating summarized and grouped reports). :^)


I explain my needs from oter way :

For exemple; I ha have Cars " Green" and wich prices are 20.000$  in table "Cars"; table "Cars_archive" contain also cars with color "Green" and for 20.000$ .

In the layout of table "Cars", when I perform find of cars with 20.000$ , I want to display , in this layout, All cars for 20.000$ , from the 2 tables.


FileMaker cannot display records from two tables on a single layout unless you use portal. It sounds like your two tables should be combined which is the suggested normalized relational approach. You still have not provided a purpose; if for report you can use virtual technique but true answer is combine them into one table. :-)


I think It's the better way , to combine the two table in 3rd one . Creating a table " Table_C" with a new "layout_C". Can I have a layout like layout_A and layout_B to display records??

WhatI suppose to have as relations between the Three tables??

Posted (edited)

Let's back up a moment please ...


You SHOULD have a Cars table and it holds one each of a unique Car with its own CarID. Do you or some other unique key? Then if you have multiple related Archive records there should be a CarID in Archive. Is DocumentID the primary key in Archive? Secondly, why do you have the same fields in both?

If these two tables hold the same type of information (both tables contain documents or cars) then I am asking why they are separate and suggesting you might use ONE table with a Type field to indicate which is A and which is B.

At this point, I suggest you zip and post your file (leave a few dummy records in each table to clearly show a representation of the data). We can get you there, no worries. :*]

Edited by LaRetta

Thank you Ma Retta ;

I found an other solution for my work ..

also I need to your help ..

In the same layout , I will make a buton with a script that allow user to save record but No to change existing record ; for exemple.

I have a Car " Golf6" , "White", "120Ch".... and I modify this record by adding some record like , "Pirce=20.000$", ... 

What I want to do is: when I press the boutton , I save a new record with all data  ( some think like save-as) ; I keep my old record and I make a new one wich contain :  " Golf6" , "White", "120Ch" "Pirce=20.000$". Whell as result , I perform a find by the criteria of " White" , I will have 2 . 

After that , I want ( for my new record ) to add samething to the name , and he wil be "Golf6_Archived").

how can I do this save with not changing the original one ???

This topic is 4465 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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