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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Inline Actions -

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Does anyone know if it is possible to reference a field from the host page when writing an inline action.

There seems to be very limited info on intratags and how you use them.

I have entered the page under -db=db1 and are using the field rel1 to build the relationship to db2 where db1.rel1 = db2.rel2 (do you get what I mean??)

I want to open db2 from inside the page that uses db1 - so I am using an inline action - but I need to use the field rel1 in the find request of the inline action.

i.e. [FMP-inlineAction: -db=db2, -lay=lay2, rel2={field: rel1} - its this bit that I am not sure about.

I hope some one can understand this and can help

Thanks in advance


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Hi, I'm using fields to define inline actions:

This one works for me:

[FMP-InlineAction: -DB=days, month="{FMP-Field:month}",-lay="layout1",


<IMG SRC="[FMP-Field:picturepath]" ALIGN=top><BR>

[FMP-FIELD: picturecaption2]


.....and it looks just like yours. You only need to define the layout if any of the fields in your inline are related or in a portal.

regards, jeff

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the general rule is that tags from an inline will be available in the opening tag of the nested inline


[inline 1 db=db1]

Values from DB1 are available here

[inline 2 db = 2 Values from DB1 are available here]

Values from DB2 ...........Values from DB1 are not available here unless they were set to tokens in the opening tag of this inline (or set to variables if you are using Lasso)



hope this helps


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