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Hi everyone,

We keep getting "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" while 360plugin tries to download attachment for the email with in filemaker. Till now the only solution is to restart the filemaker server completely and the memory gets reset. We use to be able to run the server for week but now restarting every night is not enough. Does any one has fix for it? Do we need to update the java to latest version? I also tried to locate the pre-built custom memory size files in the system as on this link recommends http://docs.360works.com/index.php/Heapspace_Out_of_Memory_Error but unable to locate the file path on the server 'C:\ProgramData\360Works\' where to set the custom memory size for java to set them?


We are running the plugin on

Windows server 2008 R2

Filemaker server 12

Plugin version: 360Worsks Email  ( V1.981 )

Java version: 6 update 23 ( 64 bit )

error log DEBUG : Error inserting file for script "Add attachment" : "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"


Hope to get the reply soon 





Hi Rai,

We have made some changes in more recent versions that may pertain to this issue so the first thing to do is to update your plugin. Email 1 is now at version 1.99 . To update go to http://360works.com/email-plugin/ and click on "Pricing or Download Demo". At the top of the next page there is a download link for Email 1.99 . Install v1.99, restart the FileMaker Script Engine and check to see if you run into issues. If you do then I need to see your Server logs. Please see this page for log locations. Email the logs to [email protected] with a link to this forum post. 

Of note, unless you have some kind of dependency of Java 6 you may want to consider updating it. From this page, FileMaker recommends using Java 7u75 for use with FileMaker Server 12. 


Ryan DeMaeyer


Hi Ryan,

Thank you for the reply I have now managed to increase the size of the memory 1024m by manually making the folder under 'C:\ProgramData\360Works\' and i can also see that it has now pickup the custom memory size from the log. If it gets the error again i will try the above.



This topic is 3515 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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