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WebDirect : Slow popup menu after calendar popup?

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I have a fairly simply layout which contains:

  • [Date Field - set to pop up the calendar picker]
  • [Popup Menu - value list with values 0,1,2,3,4]
  • [text field]
  • [text field]
  • [OK button] [Cancel button]

This works great in most situations, however I'm getting reports (that I've verified) that using IE 11, when users click on the popup menu field, it takes a long time (10+ seconds) for the popup menu to open.     This seems specific to IE : Chrome and Safari don't show the issue.

Any ideas?   I'm thinking that the transition from Calendar picker in field 1 to dropdown menu in field 2 is the issue, but I'm curious if anyone else has seen this.

The dropdown menu's value list is just a stored value list : not built from a relationship.






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Update: I wasn't able to get this to work properly on IE11, so I ended up removing the popup menu altogether and using a Button Bar in its place.

There also seems to be something weird about "Go To Field" with the "Select/Perform" option enabled : I have a script which goes to a layout, creates a new record, and then uses "Go To Field : XXS : Select/Perform" to get the cursor in the right field for typing.   This doesn't work well.  However, if I just say "Go To Field" without the "Select/Perform" option, then it does - the cursor ends up in the field and the user can type right away.

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