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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Portal filter


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HI folks,

I have the following Portal Filter set up:

ExamPaper 3::Skills   =  AcademicExam::gFilterPaperMarks

This works fine, just showing the exam papers examining the relevant skills.

However, I'd like to be able to show more than one skill at a time. If I change the global to a checkbox I can select more than one skill to view, but the resultant spaces mean than the filter doesn't work.

Do I have to use a script to write global variables to filter on, or can I do this within the portal filter?

I've managed to do the same thing with other filters using relationships, but thought there might be another way of doing it!


Many thanks,


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However, I'd like to be able to show more than one skill at a time. If I change the global to a checkbox I can select more than one skill to view, but the resultant spaces mean than the filter doesn't work.

Not sure what you mean by “spaces”; the selected values in a checkbox-formatted field are delimited by carriage returns. Try

not IsEmpty ( FilterValues ( AcademicExam::gFilterPaperMarks ; ExamPaper 3::Skills ) )  

Let me suggest using more meaningful TO names than “ExamPaper 3”; will you know or remember what that TO's purpose and context is without looking it up?

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Many thanks - that works perfectly (it needs a refresh window script trigger).

I've just spent a couple of minutes working out how it works - very clever!!!


I'm gradually working through table names - the docs I've read about naming conventions give names that confuse me even more, but it is on my TODO list!

Cheers :-)


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