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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Toggle Spellcheck?


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Over the years—and particularly for FM14—has anyone come up with a user-convenient way to toggle spellcheck on/off for a particular entry field?

Spellcheck is so simplistic in Filemaker that it flags partial words that are being typed ... plus all urls ... and occasional supporting references like "libeay32.dll".

Ideally, there would be a toggle button somewhere on the GUI.  But how can you achieve that effect?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.



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Thanks for your response.

I should have been clear: I'm looking for a user feature for runtime use.

I had thought of a "swap fields" approach, but hoped that wouldn't be the answer.  In an application with well over 20 entry fields, it would be a bear to implement/manage ... although I suppose a single button that uses a table of alternate fields could be made to work:  Check Which Field ... Swap To Alternate.  But then there's the user's cursor position to worry about.

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a single button that uses a table of alternate fields could be made to work:  Check Which Field ... Swap To Alternate.

No ... only that they can toggle checking on/off for any field, according to what they're entering at the moment.

Spellcheck can either be a great advantage or a great distraction.  I just want to let THEM decide.



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turn it on/off globally

That sounds like a solution ... except this is a kiosk-style application that would have to have a "Spelling Options" button somewhere on the screen to bring up the dialog ... which isn't a good solution for on-the-fly settings.

So ... since I can't find any script step for toggling, I guess the alternate field table is it by default.

Thanks for trying.


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except this is a kiosk-style application that would have to have a "Spelling Options" button somewhere on the screen to bring up the dialog ... which isn't a good solution for on-the-fly settings.

That's not the only option. You could have two layouts: one where the fields (all fields) do spell-checking, and the other where the same fields are placed with spell-checking turned off. Then use your toggle button to switch between the layouts. You'll probably want to transfer the current selection to the target layout as well. A single layout with a two-pane tab control would also do.

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