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Keep users from editing same record

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I am trying to come up with a way to keep multiple users from working with the same record. I have a main table of leases, and for each lease a user needs to create (or link an existing) record in an orders table. All of the data entry on the lease layout is done using global fields - user enters the order data in the globals, then a script trigger fires a script that either finds a matching order or creates a new one, then creates a link record in a join table. After a lease is processed, a flag is set in the lease record as "completed". Then a script takes the user to the next record that is not flagged as "completed". I'm aware of checking for error 301, to see if a record is locked. But if the user is just viewing the record (not editing a field's contents), I don't think that error will occur - and I'm guessing that if the user is in a global field, the record will not be locked? At any rate, I would just like to make sure that multiple users aren't taken to the same non-"completed" record at the same time. Any advice appreciated. Thanks!

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39 minutes ago, Tom R. said:

I am trying to come up with a way to keep multiple users from working with the same record.

Filemaker already does this for you by locking a record as soon as one of the users begins editing it. There's no need for you to do anything.


39 minutes ago, Tom R. said:

All of the data entry on the lease layout is done using global fields

This is probably not a good idea - see here why:


I didn't understand the rest of your description. If - as it seems - you want to lock a record without actually editing it, you can do so by using the Open Record/Request[] script step.



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This topic is 3185 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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