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Deskspace FREE rwApp responsive web-site builder

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Deskspace Systems Limited in the UK have just released the Review Edition of the Deskspace rwApp Responsive Web-site Builder.

It is of course built 100% in Filemaker.

You can find out more and download it here:


Cheers, Nick

Like many other web site builders...

the rwApp Responsive Web-site builder enables you to write and edit your pages and immediately see how your page will appear.

But there are two very big differences you will notice after comparing the rwApp Responsive Web-site builder with its competitors...

(1) the rwApp Responsive Web-site builder is very very fast, both to render what you are doing and to display from your web server on any device, even on mobile over slow cellular networks AND 

(2) your pages automatically look beautiful and very readable on any device however small or large.

The new rwApp high performance Responsive Web-site builder...

is an exciting innovation as it enables anyone to easily build very fast responsive web pages - perfect for blogging

see for example http://www.bolnore.com/t/beijing/

...and great for business

Whilst the blogging aspect is great for personal users we see also see the main business use of this technique as a means of automatically publishing business documents in a responsive and accessible format such as policies, procedures, plans and resources.



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  • 1 month later...

We are delighted to announce the First Full Free Public Release of the Deskspace Responsive Web Builder (rwApp).

This makes it a simple matter to create beautiful fast responsive sites that look great on any device and it is entirely built in FileMaker but without any custom web publishing etc.

We do not believe there is another piece of software anywhere in the world that can currently do what this app does nearly as nicely or as quickly.


This release version offers a wide variety of adjustments on how each part of your web page should appear and it makes publishing text on the web very easy - whilst also doing a good job with images.

http://www.deskspace.com is entirely built with this App.

As a different kind of example, we also used it to create this site of a recent trip in an hour or so sitting in the hotel lobby.


Cheers, Nick

Edited by Nick Lightbody
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  • 2 months later...

We have now named this 100% vanilla Filemaker product "DeskspaceCMS" as that seems to best describe what it does.

DeskspaceCMS v2 for Mac, Windows 10 and iOS is available for download here http://deskspace.com/downloads.html.

v2 is much improved with a simpler better Ux and over a 100 additional features.

We are using Curl called by applescript on OSX and by Windows Event on MSWindows 10 to automatically ftp pages from the App the web server. I am happy to explain exactly how we did this on both platforms and have documented it on the FileMaker Community.

We haven't yet worked out how to do Curl on iOS - so whilst the App will run happily on an iPhone or iPad - it is currently necessary to use a third party App like ftp Manager to transfer the files to the web server. In due course I hope we also be able to offer the immediate convenience of automatic ftp from iOS as well.

One of the great things about editing pages is that having selected a theme, which you can edit directly if you wish, you can then override any of the 250 appearance settings for a page, just for that page, one by one, without changing the theme itself - or you can change the theme settings and immediately change the whole site.

For example, on the page below showcasing 12 sites created with DeskspaceCMS in the last few days, it was the work of a moment to match the background of that page with the Google Resizer background around the images so that the images perfectly matched the page. It was actually rgba(234,234,234,.9), so that on our site only that page has that color. So you get much of the flexibility of a manually built site but with the advantage of automatic site regeneration in a few hundredths of a second a page.

Now, if your web site ranking is important to you then you may find this next bit interesting.


The basis of all my development work is innovation, testing, measuring and achieving high performance, as I showed with my analysis of Filemaker Server Performance last year http://www.deskspace.com/understanding_filemaker_server_performance_introduction.html


And high performance pays.


A site built with DeskspaceCMS appears in practice to automatically rank very well in the website popularity stakes - as the attached recent Alexa World Web Ranking tracks show for the first four sites that have been built this way, they are all climbing steadily up the ranking tables. Deskspace.com has gone from 22.5 millionth to under 1.5 millionth in just over 6 months, reason-ability.com, bolnore.com and operabrava.com are following suit. Most filemaker developers' sites worldwide rank below the 1.5 million mark.


How come?


1. These sites are very much faster than virtually anything else on the web with responsive content, scoring from 93-98% on Google Speed Insight for speed. Most sites do well to exceed 60%. One of the claimed faster page generation systems on the web, tachyons.io, gets, 89%. Soliantconsulting.com gets 59%, Apple.com gets 58%, Filemaker.com gets 51%, so 93-98% for all the sites built with DeskspaceCMS really his genuinely, eye-poppingly, exceptionally fast. Web rankings reward speed.

2. They are fully responsive. Web rankings reward responsiveness.

3. They are very easy to use, whether creating or editing pages, where the content of each page is just a single text field

4. The whole site can be re-uploaded with a single click in Windows or OSX

5. The sites look great, and users love the simplicity and ease of navigation, so they will come back


The Alexa Chart is attached along with a shot of the recent examples page, showcased in Google's new Resizer Tool - the page itself is here




And all this is without a cent being paid for site promotion.


I am happy to discuss and answer any questions. We are also open to suggestions for collaboration. Our main focus is on getting this out to as many people as possible as quickly as possible and the market is vast, if people get to hear about us.


Cheers, Nick



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Thanks Normanicus!

The downloads link in my most recent posting is incomplete, the others seem fine.

Please see http://deskspace.com/downloads.html for our downloads page.

Cheers, Nick

The first link in our original posting above from last November has been superseded - please now see


Cheers, Nick

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