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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Capture found range of date to use as label?


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How would you capture the first and last date in a found set of records and then use that as a label on a report?

User case: person does a date range find in a set of records i.e. 2015/05/01...2015/12/28

How do you convert that info into a text label for the reports that says "Totals from: May 1, 2015 to Dec 12, 2015"?

If there is a custom function out there that would do this please point me to it.


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IMHO, it would be best to have the user enter the start and end dates into 2 global fields to begin with. Otherwise you would have to extract them from the find request - either just before performing the find, or afterwards (using Modify Last Find[]).

Note that the found set itself may not have records for the first and/or the last date of the requested range.

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15 minutes ago, skearton said:

there also other times the user may just look for a sales rep records without a date range, and I still need to show a label of the dates within that found set.

Then you need to sort the records by date and get the values from the first and the last records.
Or use two summary fields, defined as Minimum (resp. Maximum) of the date field.

But I don't think this would be acceptable when the user did enter a date range to find.


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