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Switching from Excel to Google Sheets as source

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Thanks for taking a look at this.

I use an Excel spreadsheet as a safe data import device for the database I use to help my wife run her bakery.

Basically, non-tech folks can fill in the spreadsheet with costs and other data.

Then FM12 runs a script to delete its current data and pull in the accurate new data from Excel. A different script then turns that data into formatted reports that can be used to re-order items and calculate prices.

It works! Go figure.

Now, we want to switch to having the spreadsheet live in Google Docs. I see that OBDC can handle that. It seems like I might need to buy something like this:


Here's the key question: can someone point me to instructions on how to change the script below so that it'll work? I'm guess there are three magic buttons I have to push, but I'm a better writer than programmer.

Appreciate the help. Here's the script:




Edited by sethgodin
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Hi Seth,

In your screenshot, you are still referencing the excel spreadsheet to import from. I think you want to import from the ODBC datasource instead. Where you "Specify data source" you can change it from "File" to "ODBC Data source" instead. That should allow you to follow along with the referenced article.



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Thanks Mike. You're correct, I haven't changed a thing, because I didn't want to just guess at formatting.

It seems, though, that there are SQL and DSN things, some of which aren't cross platform, that all have to be done properly.

Mostly fear on my part. I will hack my way through.


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