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Handsfree Barcode Scanning Solution

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Hi Guys,

Was hoping that you might be able to help me out, with further integration of a Motorola Barcode scanner.

As it stands, I've set the barcode reader up, to first transmit a keypress ⌘1 (triggering a script), then transmits the barcode, before transmitting an Enter keypress to start the search.

In principle this should work, however on around 50% of the scans, the script doesn't trigger fast enough, before the barcode is then transmitted, leaving incomplete or incorrect barcode values being entered.

I'm interested to know how everyone else has barcode scanners set up ? I'm just using the system for inventory management, and ideally would like it so that the only user interaction is with the barcode scanner and not having to manually initiate a search using the keyboard.


Thanks in advance


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For anyone with the same question, it turns out the issue can be solved fairly easily with the programming of ADF (advanced data formatting) rules on the actual scanner, I just programmed a rule triggers the script ⌘1, waits 3 seconds, transmits barcode followed by an Enter keypress.

With the 3 second wait, there now no longer appears to be any issues with Filemaker not triggering the script fast enough.


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This topic is 3115 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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