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Mark Record based on relationship status?

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I'm looking for the best way to handle this.

I've got two tables.  Orders and LineItems.

The orders layout has a portal to show the related records for LineItems. I've made a line item_Item status filed in LineItems that is a Number Filed.

The purpose was that a number greater then 0 would cause a notification in item_Item_status that line item has issues (based on the scripts)

This works fine and I'm also do a conditional for the portal row to show visually each line item that has issues.

What I want to do is, In the Orders layout. if any related LineItems have an error I want to mark/show that the Order record has issue.


What would be the best way to handle this? Or should I look at doing this another way?

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8 minutes ago, Devin said:

if any related LineItems have an error I want to mark/show that the Order record has issue.

If it's only for display, you can use a conditionally formatted object - and the formula could be:

Sum ( LineItems::Status )



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I would want to updated the Filed in Orders, so that a report or search could show what Orders have an issue.

I did find this when googling..


It appears to be very similar in what I'm wanting to do.  have not tried it yet.

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22 minutes ago, Devin said:

I would want to updated the Filed in Orders, so that a report or search could show what Orders have an issue.

Then make it a calculation field (result is Number), using the same formula.

Note that you can search the Orders table by searching a field of LineItems.

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This topic is 3110 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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