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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Script Add Attachment won't work in OS 10.11.2 El Capitan

Filip Langenbick-Boey

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I have this script to automate sending emails with and attachment.

For some reason in OS 10.11.2 El Capitan this script won't sent the attachment anymore.

Does anyone know the reason why.

I tried on Macs with an older system and it works?

Thanks for helping me,



Campaigns: Action: Send Campaign

If [ TestForIWP ] Halt Script

End If


Allow User Abort [ Off ]
Show Custom Dialog [ Title: "Message"; Message: "Send This Campaign?¶"; Buttons: “OK”, “Cancel” ] If [ Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = 1 ]

If [ IsEmpty (Campaigns::Template_Subject & Campaigns::Template_Body) ]

Show Custom Dialog [ Message: "Please choose a template"; Buttons: “OK” ]

Go to Field [ Campaigns::Template_Subject ]

Commit Records/Requests

[ No dialog ]

Halt Script End If


If [ not IsValid(i_Campaign_Contacts::kf_ID_Contact) ]
Show Custom Dialog [ Message: "Please choose a recipient"; Buttons: “OK” ] Halt Script

End If


Go to Layout [ “Record Detail Mailings” (Campaigns) ]


Set Variable [ $AddAttachment; Value:Let ( [
MAC = "filemac:" & Get ( DesktopPath ) ; PC = "filewin:" & Get ( DesktopPath )

Case(Abs(Get ( SystemPlatform )) = 1; MAC; Abs(Get ( SystemPlatform ))= 2 ; PC ) & GetAsText ( Campaigns::Campaign_Attachment ) ) ]

If [ not IsEmpty ( Campaigns::Campaign_Attachment ) ]
Export Field Contents [ Campaigns::Campaign_Attachment; “$AddAttachment” ]

End If


Go to Related Record [ From table: “CampaignContacts_ContactsByID”; Using layout: “Record List Contacts” (Contacts) ] [ Show only related records ]


Set Field
[ Campaigns::g_ID_Contact_Temp; Contacts::k_ID_Contact ]
Go to Layout [ “Record Detail Mailings” (Campaigns) ]
Set Field [ Campaigns::g_Body_Select; Substitute ( Campaigns::Template_Body;

[ "<First Name>"; Contacts_Temp::Name_First ]; ["<Last Name>"; Contacts_Temp::Name_Last]; ["<Full Name>"; Contacts_Temp::Name_Full]; ["<Title>"; Contacts_Temp::Title];

["<Fonction>"; Contacts_Temp::Fonction];

["<Company Name>"; Contacts_Temp::Contact_Company];

["<Street>"; Contacts_Temp::Street1];

["<City>"; Contacts_Temp::City1];

["<State>"; Contacts_Temp::State_Province1];

["<Postal Code>"; Contacts_Temp::Postal_Code1];

["<Phone>"; Contacts_Temp::Phone]


Send Mail [ Send via E-mail Client; To: Contacts_Temp::Email; Subject: Campaigns::Template_Subject; Message: Campaigns::g_Body_Select & Case ( IsEmpty ( Campaigns::Campaign_Attachment ); "" ; "¶" ); Attachment: “$AddAttachment” ]

[ No dialog ]

Go to Layout [ “Record List Contacts” (Contacts) ] Go to Record/Request/Page

[ Next; Exit after last ]

End Loop


Freeze Window


Set Field [ Campaigns::g_ID_Campaign_Select; Campaigns::k_ID_Campaign ]
Go to Layout [ “Mailings History Utility” (i_Campaign_History) ]
New Record/Request
Set Field
[ i_Campaign_History::kf_ID_Campaign; Campaigns::g_ID_Campaign_Select ] Go to Layout [ “Record Detail Mailings” (Campaigns) ]


End If

24 February 28 14:08:05

• ECB Contacts.fp7 - Send Campaign -2- 

script send mail with attachment.pdf

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