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Data channel timed out

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Good morning, I'm having this error while uploading a file to a FTP server:
"data channel timed out due to not meeting the minimum bandwidth requirement"

I've used FTPeek to download files from the same server without problems, but while I try to upload a .csv file I have this error.
I'm using the normal FTPeek_ConnectFTP connection.
I've also tried to upload a .jpg and a .zip, but I Always get this error.

What happen is quite strange... I see the progress bar advance normally up to the 99% but then stops there for about one minute and I receive that error message, In the meanwhile If I keep an eye on the folder on the server I see that the file appears, but after the error is given the file gets cancelled (If I try to open the file on the server before it gets cancelled it is empty in the case of the .csv and won't display in the case of the .jpg).

I've also tried a different extension to upload files and it works correctly, so I doubt that there are any problems on the FTP server side.


Thank you for your support.

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