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Automatic register creation for students DB

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Dear forum members

I would like to ask for a helping brain at this forum. My questions could be very easy for one expert, if would spare a little time with me. I’m a professor at business, and using filemaker from many years for my student’s records. Now I have to coordinate a whole grade, and I’m using a relational database. 

With some Students (1, 2, 3) and some Subjects (A, B, C) I’m creating a record for every one (1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, … , 3C). The question is: Can I enroll every student, with automatic field creation?  I wish create all registers for every student at once.

I don’t be able to understand if a “get” function or “if” or “calculate function” could be useful on this purpose. Any idea and comment will be appreciate.

Thanks in advance!

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Try the enclosed file. It uses a JOIN table, that creates a record for each instance of a student attending a course. So if there are 3 courses and 3 students you should end up with 9 entries in the join table.

I've put some example names and courses in (you can find those in the other layouts). If you just click the button in the JOIN table layout it will create the 9 JOIN table records.




It's done by using the 'Loop' script feature, in fact two nested Loops inside each other, to step record by record through the 'courses' table for each entry in the 'students' table.

See if it makes sense, and if not, let me know and I'll try to elaborate!

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