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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Serial Number field with prefix

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So I have a situation where I want my unique ID field to be a serial number with the prefix of "16-", with the 16 representing the year 2016.  In a perfect world this would update on January 1 of next year to "17-", but I'd be just fine with going in and updating the necessary field for it to show 17. Surely there is a way to do this, and its just me having no such luck? Any help greatly appreciated! 

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I would suggest you use two fields: one that auto-enters a serial number, and one that auto-enters a calculated value =

Right ( Year ( Get ( CurrentDate ) ) ; 2 ) & "-" & SerialID

Or, if you have a Date field, you could merge it with the serial ID field and format the object to display only the YY portion of the date.



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Ive never been a big fan of "smart" serial numbers for use as a primary key value for a record.

human interaction with keys usually = data integrity issues.

Use smart serials for display to the user but think about avoiding them for relationships.

Just my two cents worth.

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