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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Line chart for past 30 days


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I'm learning Filemaker in order to bring over some of my favorite applications from spreadsheets.  My first chart is just to learn how to use charting, I'm taking data I record maybe, six times a month when i weigh in at the Gym to create a line chart.

Problem is, if i make it into a bar or line chart the x axis only includes the dates where I entered DATA.  It needs to include every day of the past 30 so I can accurately see the trends.  The only data *points* will be the data I've entered; it would just connect those dots. 

Here's a 5-month version (as a bar chart) so you can see the problem. TIA for any assistance!

Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 3.24.48 PM.png

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I don't understand your request. You cannot have a chart showing the last 30 days, unless you have (a) a list of the last 30 days, and (b) a corresponding list of 30 values. If you don't have a real value for each one of the last 30 days, you will have to generate some fake values (perhaps by interpolating the existing values?). That's a problem that has nothing to do with charting, and it needs to be solved before you can approach the problem of charting the resulting data (which by then should be trivial).


6 hours ago, sbell22 said:

Here's a 5-month version (as a bar chart) so you can see the problem.

I am afraid I don't see the relevance.


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I'm attempting to create a chart over time, with a uniform x (one increment per day) axis.  But I haven't logged data for every day, and I don't want to write formulas to interpolate between differently spaced data points, or create artificial data.  It's simple to do in Excel or Gsheets, so I thought there might be an equivalent method or chart setting in Filemaker.

The relevance of the chart is because it illustrates the problem: I want to plot that data over a six month period, but I only logged data on 10 days between Nov 28 and April 2.

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