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WeekOfYear Better way to display?

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I'm needing to create chart that display a breakout of orders by week for the last n weeks. 

I'm able to get the chart chart I needed by having a field called week that a calculation = WeekOfYear ( CreateDate ). 

But I don't like week number for display. Would prefer either a Date like "4/17/2016" or "4/17/2016 thru 4/23/26"

Any tips would greatly help.



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It's not a good idea to use the week-of-year alone anyway, because it will not sort correctly at the year boundary. Try instead:

CreateDate - DayOfWeek ( CreateDate )  + 1

and set the result type to Date. This returns the date of the starting Sunday of the week. In order to have the chart show both week's boundaries, set the chart's horizontal axis labels to a calculation of =

YourTable::cWeek & " thru " & YourTable::cWeek + 6

where cWeek is the calculation field above.

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