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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Export Portal Data into Horizontal Field Layout?


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So have have products which have multiple part numbers and sizes. Part number table being the join table of products and sizes.

While the portal view works fine on single product layout view to display sizes/partnumbers, it of course doesn't work within another portal view of scrolling products.

I've used a button to open sizes/part numbers into a new window, but doesn't really work well on webdirect.

I am trying to find out a way to pull the data into dummy fields that can host the portal data in order to display the information horizontally.

field:Size 1 | field:Size 2 | field:Size 3 | field:Size 4 | field:Size 5 |

field: Part 1 | field: Part 2 | field: Part 3 | field: Part 4 | field: Part 5 | 

I have a maximum of 11 PN/sizes per product, so doesn't seem too bad.

I've tried to list ( ) the PN/Size individually, but this doesn't alway correlate together, because of how the data was entered (assuming it's sorted by record id??) 


Anyways hope that made sense, its late ZZzz... Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

__Product::id >----< _fkProductID
                     _fkSizeID   >------< __Size::ID
                     PartNumber             Size


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19 minutes ago, shredded said:

it of course doesn't work within another portal view of scrolling products.

I am not sure what you mean by that. Which table's layout are you on, and why doesn't a portal to the PartNumbers table work? I don't see any "of course" about this.

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I have two views.

View 1 is a single product. Here I am using a portal to display PN/Sizes, no problem.

View 2 is a portal that scrolls multiple products, which I cannot attach another portal to it. I can use a new window popup for this, but does not work with webdirect in a workflow that make sense ( It's not a popup, it redirects the page)

I would like to display my sizes and part numbers horizontally on both views, so that they can be copy/pasted fast and without changing layouts.

Edited by shredded
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I apologize for the confusion... Both of my layouts are using the products table and the part number portal does work. My problem is displaying the part numbers when I am using my 2nd layout where I am using a portal to display all products. My "of course" comment was directed towards using two portals nested... Hope this makes sense, thanks for your time.

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42 minutes ago, shredded said:

My problem is displaying the part numbers when I am using my 2nd layout where I am using a portal to display all products.

My question is why don't you use a portal to display all part numbers instead. With their associated product and size info. And, if you prefer, showing the product info only in the first row of the product block.

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