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Replicate List View Functionality Within Form View


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I have possibly attempted every logical (and many illogical !) combination of portals -> calculation fields -> cartesian relationship links (x) that Google and my own sanity can come up with over the last week with very limited success.

Reaching the point that I am well & truly stumped... so much so that I struggled for about 10mins to even come up with a title for this post!

They say a picture paints a thousand words so I've attached a couple of screen shots which will hopefully more clearly show what I'm trying to achieve (assuming portals are the right way to even achieve this)


Each displayed 'week' in this layout is a row in the table [Month] with the layout based on a List view format. The 'days' shown are individual filtered portals showing related records from [Month] -> [Events]


Identical to the ByMonth structure above in terms of relationship etc. except that here I'm using a Form view format, which is naturally showing only a single record. Again in this scenario a single record from table [Month] is equivalent to a week. Records displayed are again individual filtered portals to [Events]

The benefit of this view is that booking information and customer information can be viewed side-by-side, whereas in my original ByMonth layout the related data is shown in separate layouts accessed by clicking on the day etc.

Calendar_ByWeek (Month)

This is a single portal showing all records from a second table occurrence of [Month] based on a (x) relationship

What am I trying to achieve?

Put simply I want to be able to have an overview of all bookings for the month, displayed by day. So replicate the functionality of the List view format from Calendar_ByMonth but merely show a count of related records/appointments.

E.g. under the icon for 25th display a value of 2 etc.

As this layout is based on a form view within the [Month] table I have tried (and failed miserably) to show counts of all records in many different guises. Ultimately I have come to the conclusion that I can't reference multiple records from a single record in form view as this is against the core system design.

So is there a (better) way to achieve this? 

The display can be static, does not need to be selectable, editable or have any interaction with any other part of layout itself - simply show a numerical summary to the user (a.k.a the wife:B) how many bookings in total she has made for the month across each day - a sort of summary report I guess. The only criteria is that this needs to be from within the Form view layout  so that we can present as much related data on a single screen as possible (the database is run exclusively on an ipad)

Appreciate any advice/tips/guides on how best I can achieve this.





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Thinking on this again overnight, I think I've a clearer picture of what I actually need.

The layout on the Month View tab will need to be a portal for related records from a second TO of [Month] with a (x) relationship as I have already. However I think what's actually needed is a calculation field in [Month] for each day of the week, which simply counts the total number of related events for the given date.

Something broadly like the below, for each day of the week.

Count (event:Date = month:Monday) and event:Status <> "Cancelled"

On the portal I will then just pull through these calculation fields against each day.

I know I don't have the syntax correct for the calculation but am I on the right lines?


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