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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×
The Claris Museum: The Vault of FileMaker Antiquities at Claris Engage 2025! ×
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Get ( LastMessageChoice ) - Show Custom Dialog tricks

Sometimes, it's just good to reflect on how you use certain FileMaker features. You know, the simple ones. Like Show Custom Dialog and Get ( LastMessageChoice ). If you use FileMaker for mobile a lot, then Show Custom Dialog is a great way to go. With Desktop, you might have less than optimal results because users can reposition and resize the dialog.

Aside from those few issues, however, it's probably one of those script steps you find yourself sprinkling all around your FileMaker solution. Then, that one day comes, it dawns on you that you'd like to take advantage of that newer FileMaker Card Window option. You'd like to customize your dialogs even further or optionally use a card window for some, and FileMaker's default Show Custom Dialog for others. Then, you find that potentially using a plugin might be a good way to go in some situations as well.

Well, we can plan for all those situations with a little bit of dialog abstraction! This video is for all levels of developers, it's starts out with the basics, but moves on to cover the essentials of dialog abstractions which uses JSON based parameters. I hope this helps address any of your dialoging needs.

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