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Genelia last won the day on December 17 2010

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About Genelia

  • Birthday 12/12/1983

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    16 Advanced

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    Windows server 2012

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  1. Oh thats very bad security implemented in FM 16. Because usually lots of applications run on different servers and we mutually share information in different apps. This is drawback of FM 16 i must say. they should remove that security. Definitely they have to do give this feature again "two differents server's database should be talk to each other" I will have to again go back to FMS 14
  2. This issue happened just after upgrade filemaker version from 14 to 16 Let me explain the problem in simpler way. We have three databases – A (20 files), B(15 files) and C (10 files) DB A is shared files with DB B and also DB B is shared files with DB A, same as between DB B and DB C. Case 1: When we are trying to open DB A, its connecting with DB A server (asking with pop-up message “Connect”). This is OK. But in the database, there are couple of layout with fields from DB B (like valuelists, portals attached with field). Then in this case, we are unable to see/get the values in those fields where it has dependencies on DB B. Case 2: We used a script step as Open File<XX>, where XX is an external from DB B and it is added into the External Data Source of DB A. But we are unable to open file with the Error code: 802. Important points: 1. This week, we migrated to FileMaker v16 from FileMaker v14. Everything was working with FileMaker v14. The cases mentioned above is happening FileMaker v16 only. 2. If we create an additional script with an Open File(script step), and run it separately after opening the DB A, the files are opening. Appreciate your very quick response!!!
  3. No, it was working with filemaker 14 and it should be working as we have loys of application which are hosted on theor own server and these application share their data with each other. Hi, Surprisingly when i put button on application and call that open file script..it is opening but when i am opening( putting open script step withing onopen script while open app) that script internally , within it is not working
  4. Hi, Surprisingly when i put button on application and call that open file script..it is opening but when i am opening( putting open script step withing onopen script while open app) that script internally , within it is not working
  5. Hi To All, Recently i have installed filemaker server 16 . We are opening our files thriugh citrix. Now we are getting problem with files of another server 16. I have installed 2 filemaker servers . lets giving exaple Server A file names are X, Y ,Z Serevr B file names are P,Q,R now problem is ..on my server A on file X , i am using FILE Q (which is on server B).. now all the related things of file Q is not showing data. for a solution. I have put OPEN FILE Q script step at initial of opening of FILE X. ..............BUT it is not opening file and not showing data. BUt if i am opening file Q individually through remote or just put button on file X for open file Q. it is working. but internally without these i want to open file Q internally so that related data show on file X Please give suggestion/solutions..
  6. Thanks, Yes there is not any problem for click on connect pop up once but my critical problem is that ... i have few files on another server and they are added in external data source . but they are not opening even after open file step in intial of openapplication. For example i have server A and having 1,2,3,4,5 files i have another server B and there having 6,7,8,9 Now on SErver A , on file 1, i am using file 7 ( by add them in Exteral data source..using lots of valuelist and data )which is from another server .but now that file 7 (which is hosted on another server ) so all realated data which is from file 7 not showing. I put "Open file F7" step at initial of opening FILE A. BUt it is not working. I need help how i can connect files of another server Prefect. Appreciate your help..
  7. Hi Guys, Just recently i have installed fielmaker 16 server and deployed all files on it. Now users are connecting it through citrix but we are getting 1 pop up which always show while you open application . It says "Your connection is not encrypted and shows 2 options of "Connect" and "Cancel". we have to connect option everytime while connecting and opening files. Earlier in 14 we was not getting such issues. DO you have solution to resolve this issue. i am attaching that error message. Please help me out. pls see attachment. ALso we have other files from another server and all those files are missing after open. I also put open file step in beginning of code to open those files from another server , but t his works sometime and not.
  8. Yes i am entring Accountname/Password of Admin console( Filemaker server).
  9. HI , Please reply i am waiting all of you suggestions/reasons/solutions.
  10. Hi To All, When i am trying to uplad new file on Filemaker server 14 , its giving connection failed error after giving "Username/Password" of Filemaker server by clicking Next. How i am doing: By using File->share>>Upload to filemaker server Please Help me and let me know , if someone have any idea for it.
  11. Hi Mike , Thanks for your solutions. I have tried this and its working great!!!!!. Thank you very much guys. One small query " In script code for text type we are sending data in Quote function (Quote(field name text) and for number it is working without using Quote like just (field name number ) but for date type how can i pass date data as when i am using with QUote it is taking date as number and when using without Quote it is converting it number? Below example taking company as text and Zip as number: $sheet.data & ",[" & Quote ( Companies::Company ) & "," & ( Companies::Zip ) & "]" For Date type how to set?
  12. Thanks for your solutions. I am absolutely going to try Mike idea. Thank you very much guys.
  13. Hi To All, During export records in excel format, we only allows to save data in single worksheet. MY quesetion is that "Is there any possibility to save data in excel in multiple tab(worksheet) for single excel?" actually i have 3 different format of data in single report and i have to export it and when i am exporting in single worksheet, it is saving the data but format is disturbing for other 2 format design as i can only export in 1 specific design. Thanks in Advance, I tried out lots of R & D but not found any meaningful reply.
  14. Hi Mike, Can you provide any link/video which shows "How Filemaker server deployed on virtual space( is it simple as we do it on our Servers?) and user connected to files .2. If i choose virtual space of AWS , will i fully granted to use my filemaker server process (like backups/ server maintenance etc..) 3. If i want/planning changes in file functionalities..will it simple as well with Server running and users using and same time i am doing my changes? (Isn't like i have to down the server then do change(even it very small change like to edit value list or change labels of design). How much will it cost? Thanks,
  15. Hi to All, I am looking for services for taking virtual space for my filemaker server and filemkaker pro (Through citrix, user connected ). I am exploring the things. After checking difference between filemaker cloud and own installed Filemaker server. I concluded myself to use virtual space by taking AWS services and install filemaker server. Still i want to clear few doubts on filemaker cloud: 1. Filemaker does not support schedule server scripts but have option to user perform script :what do you mean by that(is it we can schedule filemaker scripts by perform script step but it does not support system level scripts?) as current we are using Citrix platform for users to give then access. 2. Is citrix supported by AWS , if yes how much cost( there are total 55 files on our 2 filemaker servers and around 2000+ uses using it but simultaneous users are not more than 100+)..what are the other alternative of Citrix? Thanks in Advance,
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