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  1. thank you to all who helped solves this. I feel foolish as it was, as stated by many just a space after blue and green colour. Very embarrassed, but very grateful.
  2. Hi, I'm so sorry but I think I must be being a little dense I cannot see the blank in the value list entries. So sorry.
  3. Hi Lee, Please see the file uploaded. many thanks for allowing em to do this Contacts Copy.fmp12
  4. thanks Kris. How would I check this. So sorry
  5. This shows the colour group under group heading which is in a drop down menu I have changed my script as advised and blue and red still populate while green comes up with message box with Green written inside
  6. I'm not massively advance with calculations. I did try this but couldn't make it work. Any pointers appreciated. Many thanks Incedently, when I change the script around so that blue is the middle step it then skips blue and goes to green layout. This makes me think it's something other than specific to "green"
  7. Hi All, I'm struggling with a script and count see what I'm doing wrong. The frustration is its a simple script. For some reason the script will not action the second option. If red it will run red script if blue it will run blue script, but if green it moves down to the blue if and runs the blue script. I'm so confused. The script is just a trigger to run another script all three of which are the same just with different layouts. Any advice appreciated.
  8. Hi Nuos, Apologies for the delay I have attached the relevant screen shots. I forgot to mention that I may print the register up to 6 days before the date the register is needed meaning the calculation needs to take this into account. Many thanks for all your help
  9. Hi Marcus, This is great. However I cannot get the date field calculate. As soon as I add anything to do with date it greys out all records in the found set. Any advice would be greatly appreciate Many thanks
  10. Hi Marcus, Thank you so much for this. Unfortunately I cannot get it to work. I have tried all sorts but I think my knowledge may be a little off. I'm getting stuck at part 3. Any advise appreciated. Can I also check will this script populate an invoice for each found record? My wife has just ordered me the missing manual, although reading is not my strongest skill. I like to do. Many thanks in advance
  11. Hi All, I'm running youth theatre school and I'm very new to filemaker but making some good progress using FM Starting Point. An issue I have is I invoice all accounts 3x a year and they all pay the same amount unless on a scholarship so individule invoice of 200 plus contacts is time consuming and almost a little wasteful when they are all paying the same. Dose anyone have any idea of a script where I can populate and print/email invoices for all the accounts on my database and a way of excluding certain members if they are on a scholarship? Many Thanks for your help in advance. Eddie. P.S I'm very keen to learn and understand from all help so if you are able to offer an explanation of any calculations offered that would be really helpful
  12. Hi All, I'm using FMStarting Point and I'm looking to grey out a box in and read "absent" in the box on a report I have made on a given date and subject populated from the "Communication and Notes" section of a contact. For example if the if the subject in the "Communication and Notes" is selected as "absent" and the date is 23/07/2014 then I need the box on the report to read "absent" and be greyed out that day. But because I print the report maybe 5 days in advance I need the calculation to wok if its printed within five days of the date and including the date before the actual day. I hope that all makes sense. If anyone is able to help and is able to offer an explanation to the calculation that would be so great. I'm keen to learn from all the help and understand how the calculation was reached Many thanks in advance. Eddie
  13. Thank you so much all. The above worked amazingly. Thank you so much. I just now need to try and understand and learn how it was put together for futire reference. I'm loving learning filemaker.
  14. It would be nice to say "Happy Birthday from all at TTA". Thank you for your reply.
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