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Everything posted by Olive

  1. Hi all, I'm working on FMP 5.5 / OS X. I'd like to insert MP3 on a container field (through insert > Quicktime) but none of my MP3 are accessible (they're all in grey). It works fine on OS 9. Anyone has an idea ? Thanks.
  2. Hi, If your charts are rather simple, you could make them directly in FileMaker without using Excel. To do so, you need a plug-in like Oazium Charts (there are one or two other similar plug-ins but I can't remember their names).You can download it from the FM site. Good luck O
  3. Bonjour, si j'ai bien compris, tu veux ajouter 10
  4. Hi, However, there are some keys that FM "recognises", such as shift, caps lock, control, alt and command (apple).Using these keys, you can allow one button to run several scripts. For instance, script 1 will run when button is clicked, script 2 will run when same button is clicked while maintaining shift and so on with the other special keys I listed. In frensh, the script command is Etat(Cl
  5. Hi, I'm prety sure your problem in your 2nd portal is due to the fact that you didn't change your fields in the new portal. Which means you have fields from portal 1 into portal 2. Check each field in your second portal and verify that each of them is from the 2nd relationship you created. Either way, you don't need a 2nd relationship because you can create different portals with only one relationship. Just copy your first portal in another layout (or a,ywhere you want) and check "allow creation of related records". Voila ! And to answer your last question : to my knowledge, no you can't put the blank lign on top. O.
  6. Hi, Just create a calc field that replaces the hard return in your checkbox field by a "," or a " ". I'm using a frensh version, in frensh the calc is REPLACE2. CalcField = Replace2 (checkboxField; "
  7. Hi, I'm new to AppleScript. I created a script to save some of my data as a PDF file using Acrobat.It works fine. I created a field "PDF name" and I'd like the entry in this field to automatically be paste to become the name of the PDF file, without displaying the "Save" dialog box.Is there a way ? TIA
  8. Hi, Here's what I would do: 1- create a Contract2 field (txt) 2- create a script : Insert txt "Contract" into "Contract2" Activate Field "Contract" 3- Make your Contract field in Portal1 a button that activate this script 4- Link Portal2 with Contract2 Don't know if it'll work... Does it ?
  9. Hi, I encountered the same prob... Here's what I did, but maybe there's a simpler way. (I'm working on a frensh FMP version, so I'm not sure about the exact terms, I hope that'll be OK) 1- create a calc field that replace the return sign (
  10. Use MAX(portal::field)
  11. Hi Steve, In you Order script, before the lign "Execute sub-script" (from Order_item), I would place an Open Database lign and ask to open it in background (checkbox on the left). It should work. Tell me... Olive
  12. Hi, Here's what I would do : 1- don't use NumToText 2- instead of using the "+" sign, use the "&" sign Your calc is then : Month(Order Date) & Day(Order Date) & Year (Order Date) & @@ I think it should work... Does it ?
  13. Hi, Here's what I would do : 1- don't use NumToText 2- instead of using the "+" sign, use the "&" sign Your calc is then : Month(Order Date) & Day(Order Date) & Year (Order Date) & @@ I think it should work... Does it ?
  14. Hi, Yes it's possible and quite simple to achieve... but not that simple to explain Say your file is File 1, with Field A1 (with value list 1) and Field B1 (to choose from value list 2, depending on what's in Field A1). First create a File 2, with only two fields : Field A2 contains all the records from List 1 Field B2 contains all the records from List 2, depending on List 1. Example : If for the record "Car" in List 1, you want to choose between "Red", "Blue" and "Green" in List 2, you will have 3 records in File 2 : record 1 Field A2=Car, Field B2=Red ; record 2 Field A2 = Car, Field B2=Blue ; record 3 Field A2=Car, Field B2 = Green In your main file (File 1), create a link between File1:FieldA1 and File2:FieldA2 Set Value List 1 (for Field A1) to choose from all records from File2:FieldA2, using the "Use values from other File" button Set Value List 2 (for Field B1) to choose from linked records in Field B2 using the "Use values from" button, then "Only linked values". I hope this is clear. I'm sorry if I'm not using the proper terms, but I have a french FMP version and I'm not sure of the correct english terms. Good luck Olive
  15. Bonjour, j'ai la version 5 sur Mac et les mois sortent en fran
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