Yes it's possible and quite simple to achieve... but not that simple to explain
Say your file is File 1, with Field A1 (with value list 1) and Field B1 (to choose from value list 2, depending on what's in Field A1).
First create a File 2, with only two fields :
Field A2 contains all the records from List 1
Field B2 contains all the records from List 2, depending on List 1.
Example :
If for the record "Car" in List 1, you want to choose between "Red", "Blue" and "Green" in List 2, you will have 3 records in File 2 : record 1 Field A2=Car, Field B2=Red ; record 2 Field A2 = Car, Field B2=Blue ; record 3 Field A2=Car, Field B2 = Green
In your main file (File 1), create a link between File1:FieldA1 and File2:FieldA2
Set Value List 1 (for Field A1) to choose from all records from File2:FieldA2, using the "Use values from other File" button
Set Value List 2 (for Field B1) to choose from linked records in Field B2 using the "Use values from" button, then "Only linked values".
I hope this is clear. I'm sorry if I'm not using the proper terms, but I have a french FMP version and I'm not sure of the correct english terms.
Good luck