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Tina Marie

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About Tina Marie

  • Birthday 11/10/1962

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  1. I would like to be able to open a pdf that i have either in a container or just linked into fm7. Idea is I just want it to print, I don't want Acrobat to open or at least I don't want it to stay open, self close or something. anyway I found a lot of stuff on Send DDE Execute, and I have the service name and topic name and I can get fm to open thru dde command however, I don't think i quite understand the syntax of the dde command lines. if anyone can help me out on this, it is driving me crazy! thank you! p.s. my os is xp fm7
  2. Glad to have you aboard Mel! I have liked and have used filemaker pro the "bible", but yet, my last book was for filemaker pro 4, i believe they have other versions, but i would think that scripting is scripting without too many changes from version 5 to 7, although they made a major change with the "GET" commands, anyway, i'm rambling. check out anything called the bible regardin filemaker, it explains a lot of things and not just scripting, but it is a very useful tool. Again, hope you don't give up on FM, I've used it since FM4 and won't use anything else. Thanks Tina Marie
  3. Hi Jacob I just read your post, but I have to head out but I will be back at my computer in about an hour. If you can hang on, I will give to you what one of my solutions for this would be. It's very simple, and you should be able to implent it. I just have to run at the moment but I will get back with you. Thanks Tina Marie
  4. Loop Go to Field ['AMZean"] Perform Script [sub-scripts, "eanconvert""] Go to Record/Request/Page [Next] [Exit after Last] End Loop i don't have my fm up but this i believe would be the correct script for you. if someone else can check my syntax if i'm wrong, i appologize! Tina Marie
  5. in layout mode click on the layout not on a field. right click and go to layout setup, turn off the check box for the frames on the layout. i hope you are using fm7 though. Tina Marie
  6. I would place a button on your portal rows, attach a script that would set the field of your other portal relationship. Tina Marie
  7. I would think that if he just actually made the tables, and then entered from the portal if would then not need to be sorted at all because the natural sort would just be in the order of the entry would it not? Tina Marie
  8. need to change your script to pause and then actually print it the way that you want, then go back into the script remove the pause and then when it asks you to save the current print settings say yes. this should correct your problem Tina Marie
  9. Hi BrentHedden & Chris Brent in answer to your question above.... If using FM7 and the relationship has already been created between the two tables, then you would double click on the "=" sign in the relationship tab. This is were you can set it to add and or delete records from within the portal, among other options. Tina Marie
  10. I'm going to assume that your using FM7 Why don't you use a portal instead, that way you can sort it in many different ways, and if your using fm7 you would just create a new table, and make sure that you can delete and add records from the portal view. See if this would work with your solution. Tina Marie
  11. Hi Chris First off.....nice to talk with someone who is a neighbor! I am first and foremost a CPA, so I think I am qualified to answer the question. I'm going to need a little more information tho. Are you talking about interest charges like finance charges, e.g. mortgage company? or are you talking about late charges, e.g. 1/2% late fee if the invoice is paid late? In either case, both of these charges need to be booked in your system if you are not booking the interest charge/finance charge/late charge then yes you would end up with a credit balance or as you say a negative balance. Let me know if you wanted to maybe just PM me on this subject and I will be glad to help you. Tina Marie
  12. Ok I never gave up I have been working on this problem for 4 hours. I changed the line width from hairline to 1 pt, now it works? seem's like another bug to me! Tina Marie
  13. It seems that I can only get the lines on the first occurence of the sub-summary "departments" to produce the vertical lines. If you notice emp 4 and 5 are in dept 20 but yet no vertical lines appear? I'm I missing something?
  14. I am going to post the layout as well as the preview so you can see what I'm talking about
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