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  1. n1k0

    sorting in portals

    got it to work with a simple enter preview mode[] enter browse mode[]
  2. n1k0

    sorting in portals

    Anyone know what hoops I have to jump through in FMP 6v4 to get a portal that is sorted on a calculation (using getfield) to refresh? If I allow entry into the portal fields, I can get it to refresh with a simple "go to portal row (last)" script step followed by "go to record/request (select)" with no record. But the moment I block entry into the portal fields, it goes buggy! Any clever hacks out there?
  3. Perfection. Immense gratitude!
  4. Hi! Could someone point me in the right direction with this? I've brought it as close as possible and attached an example (pick one, .zip or .sit)... Two tables: Workers and Tasks. Workers (field initials) have multiple Tasks. Tasks have a status of A, B or C. I want a portal that displays all of a worker's records with a particular status. In the attached example, change the value of the valuelist (the yellow field) in workers.fp5. The calculation in tasks.fp5 (the blue field) changes appropriately, but can't be used in the portal relationship because something won't index. How do I create a relationship based on a calculation that contains a global? This works beautifully in FMP7 but not 6... Thanks for any advice! N tasks.fp5.zip
  5. Want to geek out on FileMaker with two awesome designers for 30-days and $5000? We're a group of 3: a project manager, me, and you. The project manager measures our progress and keeps us on track. I am a ******* good filemaker dev w/ a bunch o' projects under his belt and a passion for evolving interface design. Ideally, you... are a FMP genius with serious tricks up your sleeve, know FMP7's relationships inside & out, have precognitive trouble-shooting abilities. If you're not a FMP genius, but you're really really good and can make up for it with enthusiasm and hard work, that might work as well. In any event, we require that you... live in the Bay Area (California) can show some prior work, are Mac proficient, would commit seppuku before saying the words "it can't be done", are ready to wrap your brain around some complex FMP7 schema. Our very casual, no-nonsense studio is in Berkeley. Some telecommuting may be possible. Hours are flexible. If the project completes ahead of schedule, you get full payment. If behind schedule or scope of project expands, your contract and pay may expand as well. Call or email Niko... 213-300-9555 neokio@gmail.com
  6. Dan, thanks for the excellent answer! Your response covered everything I need to know to move forward. Much appreciated! N
  7. What options are available for legally protecting a filemaker solution? Can one trademark or patent their work, such that if someone reverse-engineers algorithms/look+feel/etc., there is legal recourse? Anybody have real-world experience with this?
  8. The "go to related records" script-step is also tweaked. Set it to "show record using layout BLAH" and "show in new window". If executed where a record has no related records, it neither switches layout nor opens a new window. The only "error trap" I can see is to check if the layout is still the same. Bummer!
  9. Thanks so much for the replies! Great info here, I hadn't considered locking errors in script loops. How would one go about created a global that was shared across users? Obviously a calculation (i.e. field 'tax calc' = "8.25") with global storage would be shared among sessions, but what if I wanted a field that any user could edit? Is there a solution other than a globals table with one record and non-global fields? p.s. If the Forest Guardian Vessel is ever reproduced, put me on the list! I tried ordering it a few months ago in vain...
  10. Let's say I have two tables: CLIENTS and LETTERS (one-to-many). In FM6 or 7, will the system choke if two users are writing letters simultaneously using a global field 'Letter Scratch' for entry? Are there no available guidelines for coding robust multi-user systems?
  11. Ho, Ender. Wouldn't that mean that no 2 users ever see the same global? Also, what exactly is a session? I'm attaching a test db demonstrating an account-based scratch data solution (login as 'test1','test2' or 'test3', no password). I don't have multiple machines to test it in a true multi-user environment, but I think this will guarantee that multiple users can enter data at the same time without conflict. Can the same thing be done with globals? n1k0 globaltest.fp7.zip
  12. Hey all, I've been wondering why FMP7 added accounts without also adding 'account specific global variables'. In other words, why don't users have their own scratch space? It seems that all the multi-user woes are intact... using 'lock scripts' and the like. But by adding non-global scratch fields to an "accounts" table (containing all the active accounts), shouldn't I be able to make a relationship where "get(accountname)=accounts::accountname" and thus access temp records from a particular user? The first problem of course is that in the above relationship, "get(accountname)" needs to be an existing field.. can it be a global calculation? I'll try this stuff out and post my results, but I'd love to hear from the masters on this.. Regards, n1k0
  13. Satori! I get it now, thanks so much. Works like a charm, and what an awesome improvement! Many many thanks..
  14. This is all good, but HOW do I "reference via a text calculation, with a container result"? What steps will make the container reference the new image file? Import? Replace field content with a calculation?
  15. I guess I do need help How does one change Drive1 to Drive2 in an image container?
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