Want to geek out on FileMaker with two awesome designers for 30-days and $5000?
We're a group of 3: a project manager, me, and you. The project manager measures our progress and keeps us on track. I am a ******* good filemaker dev w/ a bunch o' projects under his belt and a passion for evolving interface design. Ideally, you...
are a FMP genius with serious tricks up your sleeve,
know FMP7's relationships inside & out,
have precognitive trouble-shooting abilities.
If you're not a FMP genius, but you're really really good and can make up for it with enthusiasm and hard work, that might work as well. In any event, we require that you...
live in the Bay Area (California)
can show some prior work,
are Mac proficient,
would commit seppuku before saying the words "it can't be done",
are ready to wrap your brain around some complex FMP7 schema.
Our very casual, no-nonsense studio is in Berkeley. Some telecommuting may be possible. Hours are flexible. If the project completes ahead of schedule, you get full payment. If behind schedule or scope of project expands, your contract and pay may expand as well.
Call or email Niko...