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  1. I am looking at taking on a project that has 143 tables. Ouch! Is there a limit to how many tables? Thanks, -Jeff
  2. Errror: "Wed Aug 19 02:25:03 PDT 2015: Offsite backup failed while getting list of remote files: org.jets3t.service.S3ServiceException: Encountered too many S3 Internal Server errors (6), aborting request." Went to web site, backed up manually, same error. -Jeff
  3. Thanks for the offer. My client is dealing with issues, I am afraid, that have to do with his understanding of how Authorize.net works. This is a business that was sold and and a new CC processing provider was selected, therefore the issues. Still waiting to hear from client as his last comment was: "Disregard my voicemail. I am refunding with I problems. Could be that we were trying to refund unsettled transactions. And Or the new plugin fixed it" Not sure what "with I problems" means. So waiting to hear. Thanks again for your assistance. -Jeff
  4. The payment charge is now working, customer gave me wrong merchant account number. But now the refund is not working. Authorize net. Customer is using Plastic 2.086 This is my process refund calc: CCRefund( CCSettings::merchantAccount ; CCSettings::transactionKey ; $$TransactionID ; $$CCNumber ; $$PaymentAmount; "expirationDate=" & $$ExpDate )
  5. Thanks Tim. I am looking forward to using this. Question where exactly are the php file copied to on a Mac OS? Do you copy the folder or individual files? -Jeff
  6. I set up a test account and was provided with an API LogIn ID and a Transaction Key. Using the "How to use Plastic". The default numbers in the I clicked on "Sale" it was successful. After entering the numbers provided by Authorize net I get: "3|2|13|(TESTMODE) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.|000000|P|0|||4.24||auth_capture||||||||||||||||||||||||||0D2069AE34E05030A426AD3AB0DC01F3||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" Using FileMaker Pro Advance 11 Plugin Version: 2.0868 (I know it is not current, but it worked with the default settings.) -Jeff
  7. Is the current version of SuperContainer (2.864) compatible with OS Lion and FM Server 11 and FM Client 11.04? The user, after upgrading to Lion, is being asked to enter the SC user and password every time even though they check the box to add Keychain. -Jeff
  8. Client using 3 Macs, OS X 10.6.8. PDF documents stored in SC are hardly readable. Fuzzy. This occurred after updating the most current version. I take my laptop to their office, same OS, and it the documents are not fuzzy. Any suggestions on where to look? -Jeff
  9. Much Thanks! My Web Viewer was so small I did not see the "Upload File" button. Will drag and drop be fixed at some time? Thanks again. -Jeff
  10. Only change is updating to 2.831. The only option when I right click in web viewer is "Reload"? Webviewer: "http://" & GetHostIP & ":8020/SuperContainer/Files/360Demo/" & Documents::id & "?style=noupload+imageonly" I changed to: "http://" & GetHostIP & ":8020/SuperContainer/Files/360Demo/" & Documents::id & "?style=upload+imageonly" Can do upload but document does not stay in container when I leave the current layout. -Jeff
  11. Thank you for your (as usual) speedy and enlightening response. Much appreciated. -Jef
  12. I want to convert a solution to SuperContainer but two of the tables currently have containers that store pictures and drawings. One table has two container fields and one has three. Will SuperContainer work for this and how would I export to SuperContainer. -Jeff
  13. The goal is to move a SC document into a global container field. I call this and get no error: SetField(Documents_Dashboard::result;SCSetBaseURL ("";"UserName";"Password") I call this: SetField(Documents_Dashboard::result;SCSetBaseURL ("";"UserName";"Password") SetField(Documents_Dashboard::gContainer;SCGetContainer( Documents_Detail::_cResourceIdentifierWithRevisionNumber ) Error: Invalid credentials! The username and/or password passed to the SCSetBaseURL function are incorrect. Thanks for any suggestions, -Jeff
  14. I am hoping to get some assistance in modifying Matt Petrowsky's example file that combines pdf's and add one more step to password protect the combined pdf. I would include the file but it is for subscribers only. http://www.filemaker...ast-method.html There is example code to do this at: http://itextpdf.com/.../iia.php?id=219 I have zero knowledge on how to modify this to work with Matt's sample file. If someone wants to provide an estimate to do this please contact me at: jeff@yurka.net Thanks Jeff
  15. I am hoping to get some assistance in modifying Matt Petrowsky's example file that combines pdf's and add one more step to password protect the combined pdf. I would include the file but it is for subscribers only. http://www.filemakermagazine.com/videos/combining-pdfs-the-blazing-fast-method.html There is example code to do this at: http://itextpdf.com/examples/iia.php?id=219 I have zero knowledge on how to modify this to work with Matt's sample file. Any help would be appreciated. If someone wants to provide an estimate to do this please contact me at: jeff@yurka.net Thanks Jeff
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