I have seen suggestions in posts and articles that it is possible to output static Web pages from FMP, but haven't found any concrete information as to how to actually go about it.
I have a friend who can get around in FMP 6 on the Mac well enough to create a product catalog--a layout that contains a product name, description, item number, photo, etc. He would like to be able to output static Web pages that preserve this layout. We would then ftp those to our hosting server along with the images.
One advantage he sees is being able to use the same layout for Web pages and also for paper sales sheets, the difference being that there are both low and hi-res jpeg databases, so he can print out a sheet with a hi-res photo or output a Web page with the lo-res version.
We do not want to host a site using FMP, purchase a server or advanced edition, etc., and our FMP skills are pretty limited.
My suggestion to him was to "print" the lo-res page to a PDF file using Actobat PDFWriter or Distiller, then upload the PDF to use as a Web page, but obviously there are some drawbacks, like visitors' browser configuration problems and file size issues that make PDF's less than ideal for the Web.
Any suggestions or sources anyone can suggest will be appreciated. Thanks.