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user registration unique

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I have a registration facility for my users, where I want them to enter a username, password and their email-address. How can I test whether the username they enter was registered before?

I was thinking about using some kind of redirect-page which searches for the username and if it doesn exist, will register the new username. But I don't know how to remember the password and the email-address that were entered on the first page.

I could store all the details in cookies, but is there another possibility? Some script in Filemaker that sends an error-message if the field-entry is a duplicate?

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Was struggling with the same problem, when I made my Username & email fields "unique" in the FileMaker Field Description.

Then I just tagged the error to show a 'Please try again' page.

To show the user which of the fields existed, I ran a search on the two parameters, and showed the results.

Hope this is of help.

Rgds, Partha

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Partha, although I was extremely unclear in my question, you still managed to answer it! :-)

What actually answered my question was when you said:

"when I made my Username & email fields "unique" in the FileMaker Field Description."

I didn't know there was an option like that. Now I know, I found it, and everything is fine!

Thanks a lot!

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Originally posted by AndreasBoehmer:

Partha, although I was extremely unclear in my question, you still managed to answer it! :-)

What actually answered my question was when you said:

"when I made my Username & email fields "unique" in the FileMaker Field Description."

I didn't know there was an option like that. Now I know, I found it, and everything is fine!

Thanks a lot!

This is just my two cents, but I think it may be a bit tricky to turn on unique in the filemaker field options - in terms of solving your problems that is. Yes it will work, but if someone submits a record and it is not unique, a message will appear in the Filemaker program. Some of these error messages remain until someone who has access to the filemaker program closes the message and solves the problem. In other words, this might stop other people from creating records until the error message is dealt with on the server machine. This is also one of the reason why using cripts can be a bit tricky.

The safest bet would be to do the find to see if more than one exist and then display a suitable page.

Again, I'm not one hundred percent certain about this, but just thought I'd mention it.

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Yes it is quite possible to affect adversly a database from a web page in a way quite unexpected when a field has been formatted as "unique". The answer, quite frankly, is the intelligent use of the exact search feature.

I keep talking about this. I've posted the links to find out about it several times and places on these forums. I've even posted code showing how to structure it. And I've suggested that understanding that feature can allow the developer additional options, such as understanding how to search a range, etc.

And yes, you were extremely unclear. My first answer was quite specific to what you asked.

And you do not need a script to perform an exact search of two or more fields. There are other reasons to avoid using a script unless you have a workaround. As I've stated before, I have developed a workaround that does allow scripts to be run successfully without causing problems in the database or misinforming the client.

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