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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

when adds new row in portal it no longer follows the calculation in the field


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I have two tabs under the scenes layout. They have some of the same fields but a few of the fields are different as they have different calculations. How can I stop fields filled in under the no free hours showing up in the 2hrs free tab and visa versa. 


When I click on the second report button on the right I would need it to collect and put the report together with all the data within that date range. That's why I was thinking it renaming the fields slightly for each portal would not work as I cannot then see how they would both show up in the report as it needs to be a single report for both portal tabs.


I tried a filter but that didn't seem to work. As soon as I type anything in the no free it then moves it into the two hours free and the overtime calculations are different. 

Would I have to create a different table for those fields and portal? but then how would I be able to get them all into one report to look like a single report?

Any help is much appreicated




username is admin

password is pirates

Production time tracker.fmp12

Edited by littlered136
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on the scenes layout when you add a new portal row and import the same times as the one above it seems to give a different calculation. It seems to add on the 10 hours of the day length rather then taking it off, but works fine when it's in the first row.

username is admin

password is pirates




Production time tracker 2.fmp12

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The file is a mess. There are a number of duplicated fields: Name; Name Copy; Department; Department Copy; etc.

The two tabs do not do actually do anything different.

The No Free Hrs and 2 Free Hrs tabs only difference between is the incorrect (duplicated) fields.

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