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Value list from unique field values.

Greg Hains

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Hi there,

I am looking to create a value list from a unique set of values in a given field. E.g. 5 records with apple, cherry, orange, cherry, apple  and want to have a dynamic value list containing just apple, cherry, orange - having pulled the unique entries from this list.

Having searched through this and other forums, I have found various ways to either extract these distinct records, or create a list but not seen how to put them together so that the list is automatically updated. I'm assuming that the value list will be from a calculation field, that in turn (funnily enough...) calculates from the "fruit" field in this case, but I'm unable to apply it.  Perhaps a custom function can help here?

Has anybody got a method to do this easily please?

Thankyou in advance.

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A value list is automatically a list of unique values, and is automatically dynamic if you make the calculation in the field it is derived from unstored. If you want to use that unique list elsewhere, you can use ValueListItems(Get(FileName); "YourValueListName").

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Hi Doughemi,

Well, THAT'S embarassing. I actually didn't know that a value list from a field showed ONLY unique fields.  I just tried it and it worked (of course).

Thank you. :)


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