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Hub/spoke same name?

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We received this error today from a spoke that had just the day before completed (successfully) that spoke's initial sync. It seems curious, but thought I'd run this by the community.

Thanks, Mark

Nov 02, 2016 1:43:51 PM com.prosc.mirror.config.server.SyncServer$3 call
SEVERE: Sync between filemaker8.oda.state.or.us / BeFoodSafe5 (FileMaker Server) and bcripe iPad BeFoodSafe( username 'developer', running Go_iPad 15.0.2 on, ping time: 558 ms, machine name: 'bcripe' )
Last sync failed: com.prosc.sync.AbortException: The hub database has the same identifier as one of the spokes: '2'. Please get a new offline spoke database for syncing, and then try again.

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