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Cloud Mail Web Direct Won't Register Plugin

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I'm having issues with CloudMail and web direct.

It is running on Filemaker Server and Filemaker Server is recognizing the plugin.

Before the Amazon Connect script I'm running a script as follows:


Set Variable [ $register; Value: CMRegister ( "serial number" ; "Licensed To" )]

Set Field [Campaign::Test Field; $register }


It always returns ? when I run this script through WebDirect. Any suggestions?

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Hi jshels,

Whenever you get a ? as a return from one of our plugins it means that the plugin is not installed or is not enabled. In your case it looks like the plugin is not installed. The reason I say that is because the installation location for use with Web Direct is different than when installing in FileMaker Server. The plugin that you see listed in the admin console can only be used with PSOS or through scheduled script. See this page for installation locations. Once you have installed the plugin in the Web Direct location, you will need to restart the FMSE as well as the Web Publishing Engine. You can do that by restarting the machine that runs FileMaker Server or through the fmsadmin utility in cmd/terminal by using the commands "fmsadmin restart fmse -y" and "fmsadmin restart wpe -y" . If the machine runs Windows and you are using cmd instead of PowerShell then you may need to change directories to the location that the fmsadmin utility is stored in order to run the commands.

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Thanks Ryan

The plugin is already in that location. No issues with Plastic so I know it's not a setting that's incorrect in Server and Java is up to date. Any other suggestions?

I've emailed a bit with Ben today about this issue as well.

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This topic is 2814 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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