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CVS file import

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Good day FM gurus,

I am having an issue when importing a "CVS" file into FM.

I am receiving a daily file from a PBX, this file is in "CSV", one of the columns contain the start or the call and is formatted "11/9/2016 7:17", but when I do an import into FM it imports its as "2016-11-10 07:44:24", yes the field is formatted as a timestamp.

The only way I can get the import to work, is if I open the file in excel and save it at "xlsl" then it will import it as a time stamp. What am I doing wrong.

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First, we need to know what is the date format being used by your file. We also need to understand the date format of the source file: does "11/9/2016 7:17" represent Nov 9 or Sep 11?

That said, I cannot think of any combination of circumstances that would just import an input of "11/9/2016 7:17" as "2016-11-10 07:44:24". Is it possible you have a script or an auto-entered calculation in place that attempts to convert the date?

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This topic is 2811 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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