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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Run server script after each spoke sync with ODBC


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I am running JDBC rather than XML. 

Is there any way to run a server script each time sync completes on the server?

The customization script explicitly states "This customization script is IGNORED when using JDBC. "

Can I add a 'Perform script > Script on server' step at the end of the MirrorSync script to be run on clients only? I would need to remember to recreate it each time the MirrorSync script is updated.




Edited by fishtech
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The customization script is only ignored on the server. It still runs on the client. You can take any post-sync action you like on the client side. I'll change the script comment to make that more clear, thanks for bringing that to my attention.

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