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Renewing Comodo Certificate for Filemaker Cloud


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I haven't seen any help on renewing the comodo certificate for Filemaker Cloud.  When you try to renew from the Admin Console, you are taken to a renewal page, but it says you need to generate a Certificate Signing Request from your server.  I dont see how you generate a CSR from the cloud server, and Filemaker has not documented this.  Has anyone gone through this yet and if so, can you provide details?

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Yes, I created it using Terminal on my Mac.

Filemaker had me input the following:

openssl req -out csr.csr -new -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.key

Anyone following this should also follow my new post before going down this path just yet. I am in the heart of this switch now and will keep you updated.




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