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I have a basic forum running using ROFM.acgi and FM Pro v 3.0v1 on Mac OS 8.6

I would like to update this to FMPro version 5.0 and extend its design to a multi-pane system using a new related file for each new topic. Anyone have any experience of this? crazy.gif" border="0

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ROFM.acgi is an OLD cgi, you should either get an updated CGI program (preferably a Pearl CGI). Also, if you didn't know yet, FileMaker has included their own CGI program with the product, it is called web companion. All you have to do is convert your current CGI scripts on your HTML page to FileMaker's CDML or XML. Hopefully this should help because FMP4.0 and up have issues with supporting custom CGI.

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This topic is 8351 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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