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FMP Med-High Web Traffic Capabilities

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In the past I have set up multiple FMP 4.0 databases running on Mac, NT & 98 platforms using CDML. This has worked extremely well for my current low-traffic needs.

However, I would like to know what volume of traffic is FMP able to handle? I would like to setup a database system that would interact with live data on a SQL server. I will be having 500 to 3000 users and running on an NT box.

I need to have real good security too. If a hacker knows enough about the CDML syntax, he could easily see other users records by using the -FindAll URL function in FMP4.0. I do it all the time to see all the records in my online db when away.

I have noticed that this forum is not even running in FileMaker. Is that because FMP can't handle thousands of users?: It seems like a pretty big vote of no confidence for a FileMaker forum to be running in Pearl using CGI!!!

If anyone has any advice, I would greatly appreaciate it!!!


David Cox

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