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Need help locating FM 12 and Server Serial Keys

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 I don’t know if this is the right place to ask but here goes nothing:


[The Background]
1.  I had a hard drive that had among other things copies of FM Pro 12, FM Pro 12 Advanced, and the two Server products. this hard drive crashed a few years ago and I’m now needing to recover my FM Stuff

2.  I am limited by my hardware to only run 12 versions as running anything vista or newer (client) or server 2003 or newer (server) would just cause everything to come to a grinding halt

3.  I’ve reached out to Claris/FileMaker and they don’t have  serial keys for the FM 12 products anymore

3.1. Claris/FileMaker are not actively policing the keys found on those shady serial sites or in torrents since 12 is so long ago… (effectively they don’t care because it’s so old)

3.2 I reached out to previous places hoping they still had the FM 12 and FM 12 server… no luck

[What we know so far] 

1.  A FM Pro Advanced key will not unlock a non-advanced FM Pro installer

2.  Per Claris/FileMaker a macintosh key for pro will unlock the install on windows and vice versa

3.  Non-advanced FM and FM Server are  seemingly impossible to find on those serial sites or in torrents. 

4.  No one (FileMaker themselves or a reseller) will sell me 12 PRO or 12 server either because they’re out of stock or they just don’t have it

5.  I’m on a very limited income so upgrading my hardware to support the software to support Newer versions of FM and server are just not possible

6.  By a miracle I’ve recovered the advanced and advanced server (someone had the installers hanging around on their FTP Server) and keys (shady serial sates) and the installer for the non-advanced version of pro and server


[What I’m asking for and hoping that someone can help with]

does anyone still by a miracle have non-advanced versions of FM 12 and FM Server 12?

if yes, would that person be willing to either let the 12 licenses go at a reasonable price or for free since they’re ready not being used?

I’m just needing the keys and not the installation files as by a miracle I already have those  

I’ve literally exhausted all the options I can think of both legal (asking Claris/FileMaker for a replay of the keys) and somewhat questionable (looking in serial number sites and torrents) to recover from this and I might very well be out of luck.

3 minutes ago, Ocean West said:

Give Claris a call they should still have your serial number. 

per claris “if I purchased through a reseller or 3rd party… they would have no record of it unless I completed the registration process”. The email associated with it is so ling ago, that I didn’t have access to it and I bought my FM stuff 2nd hand years and years ago. 

sorry for leaving out that critical detail and thanks for the suggestion..,


Hi everyone:


 I wanted to put a quick update on my quest to find FileMaker Pro 12 and Server 12 (Non-advanced). I was able to find a sealed copy of FileMaker Pro 12 “nonprofit edition”   While I have no idea if there are any substantial differences between the regular and “non-profit” editions other than the fact that one is libeled at “non-profit edition”. Are there any difference between the edition marked for nonprofits and the regular FileMaker?

if you’d like to see the exact eBay listing I bought this one from it’s listed below for reference


LINK: https://www.ebay.com/itm/133829210235?hash=item1f28d7b07b:g:iZ8AAOSwuHhg~adR


I will keep everyone posted as to the status of this development.  Still looking for server 12 though… no luck finding that on second-hand market though..,

9 hours ago, Carly F. said:

Are there any difference between the edition marked for nonprofits and the regular FileMaker?

AFAIK, the difference is in the end-user license agreement, not in any features. 

Speaking of license, it will probably include this clause:


Caveat emptor.


  • Thanks 1
19 minutes ago, comment said:

AFAIK, the difference is in the end-user license agreement, not in any features. 

Speaking of license, it will probably include this clause:


Caveat emptor.


well that’s useful and a fun fact.  Since FileMaker/Claris isn’t policing these things (12 is so old anyway) and it’s still sealed…. Does that still count as a “transfer” (to me who’s not a lawyer sealed = never used = never licensed). Oh the joys of trying to figure out software licensing 🙂

hey… I can finally say i [i][u]actually[/u][/i] own at least 1 physical copy of FileMaker on actual physical media :) I’m moving up in the world!

1 hour ago, Carly F. said:

Does that still count as a “transfer”

That is a very good question. In all my years on various Filemaker forums I have carefully avoided debating legal issues - and I intend to keep it that way.😎


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I’ve made it my life’s mission to find boxed copies of all the FM products after this little stunt :) hope this put a smile of someone’s face


** Quick Update 2021.09.16**

the pkg was supposed to arrive today via FedEx but by a miracle caught a weird delay until tomorrow. So it’s at the destination FedEx location… progress! :)

when I receive the package, I plan to do an unboxing video recorded on my body-worn camera… I might post a link to that video up here… I haven’t decided. Huge thanks to everyone who’s helped out in this mess with their thoughts  


Quick update to this thread:


the sealed FileMaker Pro 12 arrived yesterday. Here’s the link to the body cam video… it might’ve been shot using a body camera, but no matter how I positioned the camera, the box or my hands were just not in frame so we had someone here physically hold the camera like a traditional camera


Share link: https://youtu.be/W67DEOY0iWs

Have fun watching me struggle to get it open


please note, no FileMaker products were harmed during the production of this video. The box might have gotten a small ding while I was fighting with the plastic wrap… but otherwise the software is safe. 3 more boxes and 1 more key and my collection will be complete. 

hope someone gets a chuckle out of this

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