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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

XML different in v5 & v5.5


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Just spent a lot of time trying to track down errors in my application when working with v5 & v5.5

It seems that v5 & v5.5 return different XML - what a pain in the arse.

mad.gif" border="0

I am using the following code snippet in my ASP pages:

xmldoc.load(*fmpro search query string here*)

set rows = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("ROW")

set columns = rows.item(i).getElementsByTagName("DATA")

'for version 5

dbid = columns.item(2).text

dbName = columns.item(0).text

'for version 5.5

dbid = columns.item(10).text

dbName = columns.item(2).text

obviously this is a problem when running it on 2 different versions of FM Pro using the same Table.

Does anyone know of a workaround ???? frown.gif" border="0



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