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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

FM Error Code #4

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My clients create a new record and on submit they are taken to a redirect page where an email confirmation is sent to them, they are then taken through the redirect page to a page where they upload a photo. Some of my clients are getting the FM Error Code #4 and are unable to proceed to the upload photo page. Most of my clients are having no problem and those that are, are using different operating systems so I am having trouble tracking down why it works for some and not others.

Here is the code on the redirect page that sends the email (this is where the error code is showing up):



<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content = " 1;






[email protected]&

[email protected]&

-mailsub=Your Order&







Thanks in advance for your help - Sam

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Error code 4 is "Command unknown."

My bet is that some of your file names, field names or layout names have spaces in them, and the browser (probably IE) isn't encoding the space with %20. This breaks the URL making it incomplete, hence Web Companion cannot understand it.

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Yes - Vaughan's suggestion is probably your best bet.

I've had similar problems when I've been publishing to IE in OSX. The solution was to re-name the fields etc in FM [replacing spaces with "_" ] and updating the associated CDML.

Good luck


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Thanks for your answers. I have been very careful about not having spaces in the file names, field names, database or layout names. In this example there are no spaces. Any other ideas as to why only a few of my clients are having problems.

Thanks again for your help - Sam

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