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Export Invoices to AccPac (DOS)

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I am wondering if anyone has tried exporting data in invoices so that it can be imported into AccPac for accounting.

I have been told that nobody has been able to get it working but I don't believe it!




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Hi Jason!

I've been dealing with this issue for two months -- haven't found a way. We currently need to use MedPac (an AccPac medical billing module) to create invoices -- that is, until I finish the FM program -- then I can trash MedPac. I will still have to address the issue of importing the GL info into AccPac -- AccPac looks proprietorial and I'm not too optimistic, but I haven't thoroughly explored AccPacs import options, although I'm sure they are limited. If I find out anything more, I'll certainly let you know! wink.gif

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This topic is 7928 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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