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Field Matching doesn't work 100%

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I have huge file, where various files will be imported, processed and then the records will be easy posted into company system.

Problem is, that FileMaker is not working correctly.

Matching names import is missing 50% of names.

Field names import is absolute joke. mad.gif

FM 5.5v2, W2000, plenty of everything...

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Well, the names have to be *exactly* the same both sides for it to work. Some have underscores instead of spaces, they wont match. It could also be the colon is throwing things off.

It's not a terribly sophisticated system, I guess anything better would require AI and that's probably bring the hit rate to below 50%!

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Wouldn't it be nice if you could resize that "fancy small window FM is using for import"?

When things aren't in order, it can be a real pain to line things up when there are a lot of fields!


Jason Wood


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It would also be nice to have some other Field matching algs. For example, an alpha resort where it sorts all of both sides field names alphabetically... when your names are just a little different (spaces vs. underscores vs. nothing between words; all caps vs proper vs lowercase; abbreviated vs fully written out; etc.), you'll tend to end up just needing to rearrange up or down by one field in the majority of the cases.

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